
Queer Amsterdam's Safe(r) Spaces Policy

Queer Amsterdam applies safety rules throughout all the events during Queer Amsterdam. Everyone participating in our program has to abide by these rules and codes of conduct. It is a minimum requirement for all of our partners to create safer spaces, ensuring the safety of everyone.

What is a safer space?

A safer space is a supportive and non-threatening environment where all participants feel comfortable expressing themselves and sharing experiences without fear of any form of discrimination, hatred, sexual harassment or retaliation. 
We use the word safer to recognize that safety is relative: not everyone feels safe under the same circumstances. By acknowledging the experiences of everyone in the room, we hope to create the safest possible environment.

Why do we need guidelines?

In an ideal world, all spaces would be safe and accessible to everyone, and all people would be mindful of each other's sense of safety. But despite our best intentions, we are sometimes unaware of certain things or have thoughtless moments, hurting or mistreating others. Clear guidelines promote awareness of these opportunities. With these guidelines, we want to encourage festival participants to take collective responsibility for the safety of everyone and each other.


1.     We maintain a ZERO TOLERANCE policy against any form of discrimination.

We do not tolerate any form of racism, anti-black racism, sexism, validism, zionism*, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia, hatred or treatment against sex workers and anti-Semitism.

(Keep) informing yourself: Jewish Voice for Peace, VOX (2018), Erav Rav 

2.     We maintain a ZERO TOLERANCE policy against any form of hate or hate speech

We do not tolerate any form of hate or hate speech. Our society is full of it, from Muslim hatred to Jew hatred, from hatred of trans persons to people with disabilities. In our spaces, we want to guard against any form of hatred, but rather create space for togetherness and solidarity.  

3.     We have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy against treatment (harassment) and (sexual) harassment

If you exhibit verbal or physical harassment or stalking, you will be asked to leave the room completely. We do not tolerate any form of sexual assault or rape. If harassment, stalking, sexual assault or rape occurs, we will record and track the details of both the perpetrator and the survivor so that we can mediate proper care and accountability as desired by the survivor.

4.     CONSENT is key to every interaction in the room and with every person

Questioning and curiosity is encouraged during Queer events, however, we ask everyone to abide by the consent (permission) rules. For example, when you want to know someone's name, ask “May I ask for your name?”, giving the other person space to decide if they want to share it or not. When someone says “No,” you respect the “No.” Only when someone gives a clear “Yes” to the question do they give permission. A “Maybe” or “I don't know” in response does NOT mean a “Yes.” 

If you violate the above rules, we will ask you to leave the event immediately


We ask all participants during the Queer Amsterdam events to be aware of and acknowledge their position in society. We prioritize BIPOC and trans community during the event. If you do not belong to this target group, we ask that you be aware of the space you occupy in the various events throughout the week - physically, emotionally and verbally.

6.     RESPECT people's gender and pronouns.

Don't make assumptions about someone's gender, pronouns or name based on their appearance or presentation. If you are not sure about someone's pronouns, ask first. If someone repeatedly or hatefully uses the wrong pronoun, constantly misgenders someone or intentionally uses the wrong name for trans people at this event, that person will be asked to leave.

7.     RESPECT the physical and emotional boundaries of others.

Everyone knows and has their own physical and emotional limits, which means that your limit does not have to be someone else's limit. We ask you to respect everyone's personal, physical, mental and emotional boundaries. When you have crossed someone's boundary, listen to them and apologize for your behavior. After all, what matters is not what your intention was, but what the other person experienced!

8.    BE AWARE of cultural appropriation

More and more often we see white people and western world, appropriating the culture, history and music of the Global South. To stop this colonial trend, we ask you to be aware of cultural appropriation of cultures, traditions, music of other parts of the world, think about culturally appropriated tattoos or dreadlocks (as a white person). We may ask you to hide these. 

9.     BE AWARE of your social position in relation to what is being discussed

Again, be aware of how much space you occupy within a given event or space. If the content of the event does not directly relate to you or your community, give other people a chance to ask questions or respond first.

10.  Drugs and responsibility when using alcohol 

Check on your friends and other attendees if you notice they are too intoxicated. If you become too drunk to safely participate in the event, we will ask you to leave with a friend or buddy. 

For more information about alcohol and other drugs, check the page of Jellinek

Lastly, safety is also a collective effort!

We keep each other safe. To make sure everyone can participate, we are working together on a collective responsibility to create and maintain a safe and courageous space during this week. So, help each other. Participate with a friend. Take breaks as needed. If something doesn't feel right, approach someone from the organization, a security guard, or an attending awareness team.